CV and profile

Note: This profile / CV lists all qualifications relevant for the desired function.
A standard CV will be available for the job interview.

Staff code:
Jobcenter Mainz
Personal Information
Born in:
Place of birth:
Damascus (Syria)
Function / Activities

Chemical engineer or employee in logistics, supply chain and materials management

Qualification and expertise relevant for future activities

I was born in Syria in 1959 and studied chemistry at the University of Damascus with a bachelor´s degree.
After that I worked for many years as a chemical engineer in the oil and gas industry and completed training in logistics, supply chain management, materials management and spare parts management.

I have 27 years of experience in various departments in multi national company: Production, laboratory, supply chain management and HSE.

Major tasks in the oil and gas industry included self-responsibility, organization and timely planning, as well as hazard prevention, safety and environmental protection.

I am looking for a new job as a chemical engineer or as an employee in the supply chain management area, where I can contribute my extensive experience in the best possible way.

In addition to my mother tongue Arabic, I speak German at level B1 and English at C1 level.
I work systematically and completely reliably, I am flexible and very helpful and can easily integrate myself into a successful team.

Professional Background

2009 - 2015

HSE Department Head - Operation Directorate for General Petroleum Corporation

1997 - 2009

Stock Analyst and Cataloging and Standard section Head - Procurement & Contracting Services for Al Furat Petroleum Company

1990 - 1997

Laboratory Department - Syrian Petroleum Company

1987 - 1990

Oil field - Operation Directorate for Al Furat Petroleum Company

1986 - 1987

Chemistry teacher in college

Education / Qualification

1978 - 1983

Bachelor´s degree in Chemistry from the University of Damascus, Syria

School education, Other
School education:
1978 High School in Damascus, Syria

Entry to Germany
Further qualifications etc.

2000 - 2008

Further training in Shell Global Solution:

- Logistics
- Supply Chain Management
- Materials Management
- Spare Parts Management

Additional qualifications
Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Microsoft Office Outlook, Microsoft Entourage Office Access, Microsoft Office Project, IMM Power, SAP, EMA
German (B1), English (C1), Arabic (mother tongue)
Drivers license (Category):
Listening to music, reading

You can download the CV as a pdf document:
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